Mafia Maniac Wiki

Time is a river and we're all caught in the current.  Sad to say, old chap, but you can only go one way and that's downstream, toward the waterfall.  Toward death.  Everyone takes the waterfall eventually.  While you're here, though, enjoy the sights, swim the course.  It can be pretty fun.  You can find branches of the river nobody has ever seen before.  But every branch leads to a waterfall.

There are some who look back, who try to swim upstream.  They look at their past and they try to change it, they dwell on it.  They swim as hard as they can and fight the one-way nature of time.  They lose.  They exhaust themselves.  They soon give up and drown quickly.  Don't be that person.

The river is alive and the river is moving.  The river is many things with unlimited potential.  The river is you and me and everyone else.  The river separates us and brings us together.  The river can be eternal joy or endless sorrow.  It has no beginning and it has no end for as long as someone is in it.

Don't take it for granted.
